Episode 36

Published on:

9th Aug 2023

Behind the Scenes: Innovations in K-12 & Non-Commercial with Marlon Gordon, Founder & CEO of NxtGen Network

In this episode of the Titans of Foodservice podcast, host Nick Portillo speaks with Marlon Gordon, Founder and CEO of NxtGen Network. Marlon is transforming the education and non-commercial space through his groundbreaking initiatives and creative marketing agency. From a digital magazine for K-12 to the revolutionary platform known as First Taste TV, Marlon's team is pushing boundaries and redefining what's possible. Marlon also talks about Ignite, an event focused on the power of partnerships and building relationships to drive progress in the industry. Tune in to hear about Marlon's journey and the inspiring work he's doing in the food service industry!


  • “All these organizations I've built relationships and partnerships with. And we just cross-promote each other and grow together. Because what's the point of competing with people when you can work together and get someplace that you couldn't get by yourself?” -Marlon Gordon [28:34]

  • “I think one of the biggest lessons that I've learned is you can't be everything for everyone as much as you want to be. And this was especially difficult for me when I first started the company." -Marlon Gordon [46:12]


05:37 Transforming education and non-commercial foodservice 

10:42 Entrepreneurial challenges 

20:11 Industry-focused content creation and sharing

30:26 Small steps to achieve success

34:28 Innovative events for networking

45:12 Taking risks 

49:59 Embracing core competencies and niches


Portillo Sales


Nick: nick.portillo@portillosales.com

Marlon: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marlon-gordon/

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About the Podcast

Titans of Foodservice
Nick Portillo shares with you the things he has learned on his own journey of building a successful business in the food service industry.

About your host

Profile picture for Seth "Creek" Creekmore

Seth "Creek" Creekmore

Seth Creekmore, or “Creek,” as he is known by most of his friends has been studying the Enneagram for almost 10 years now. Having completed training under Lynda Roberts & Nan Henson, he continued learning the Enneagram through a smattering of other teachers and books and eventually completed the Awareness to Action program. He was one of the original founders of the popular Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast and now serves as the resident Millennial for the Awareness to Action Podcast. He creates Cinematic Folk music under the name Creekmore and enjoys, hiking in cold places, cooking in warm places and traveling to all the places.